
Reasons to Invest in a Whole House Surge Protector

Written by Admin | Oct 8, 2021 8:55:38 PM

One of the biggest misconceptions out there is that power surges only occur due to lightning strikes or storms. Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why power surges can occur within a home. And even worse, is the fact that power surges can damage not only your electrical system but the electronics plugged in at the time that a power surge occurs. As such, many electricians recommend a whole house surge protector. Here are some of the reasons why.

What Causes Power Surges?

There are a number of reasons why power surges happen. They can occur when lightning or large storms affect the flow of electricity into a home or building. Power surges can also occur during power grid switching, overvoltages on utility lines, or even when you turn large appliances on and off. Many people do not realize that power surges happen consistently and continuously throughout a home or building. These power surges may not be evident but can wear on your electrical system and the electronic items plug into your electric system.

What Does a Whole House Surge Protector Do?

Most people are aware that you can get electrical surge protectors that plug into an outlet and protect the electrical items you plug into that surge protector. Unfortunately, this only offers protection for that one specific outlet and the items plugged into that one specific surge protector. A whole-house surge protector protects the entire home or building as well as anything plugged into any of the outlets within that home or building. Unlike outlet-based surge protectors which are plugged into a specific outlet, a whole house surge protector is connected to your electrical box, protecting the whole home or building.

What Are the Benefits of a Whole House Surge Protector?

The biggest benefit associated with a whole house surge protector is that you can protect every electrical item you place in an outlet or wire into your electrical system from power surges that you cannot prevent. Power surges can damage valuable items such as refrigerators, computers, or televisions. Installing a surge protector can minimize the surges that those items are exposed to, extending their lifespan and protecting your investment.

Here at Tidal electrical services, we know that you want to do everything you can to protect your expensive electrical items. Our skilled and licensed electricians can help you determine what type of surge protection is ideal for your building.

Call us today to schedule your appointment and experience the Tidal difference.